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Scripps的Yazmin Wickham谈OTT应用开发 & 内容策略

Tim Siglin,创始执行董事, 帮助我流研究基金会, 特约编辑,流媒体,与高级产品总监雅兹敏·维克汉姆(Yazmin Wickham)就坐下来, 斯克里普斯网络的独家访谈中,我们将讨论OTT应用开发和内容策略 流媒体东部2023.

Siglin asks Wickham to discuss her role at 斯克里普斯网络 and her background in the streaming industry.

“我在斯克里普斯网络公司(斯克里普斯网络)工作,我们是苹果的一个部门 新斯克里普斯公司”韦翰说。. “所以在我的部门,我们播放13个国家电视频道,包括 离子, 法庭电视, 斯克里普斯的新闻. And then I work on the product side of the house where we handle development and strategy for our web, 移动, 和CTV应用程序.”


“So we have some really amazing and brilliant programmers who create these channels that everybody wants to watch”韦翰说。. “应用程序和CTV设备的加入只是这一特定途径的延伸, 但它也带来了不同的需求. 例如, not only do people want to be able to tune into a TV channel and lean back and ‘let it wash over you…’” She ment离子s that she thinks someone said that particular phrase during a discuss离子 earlier in the 流媒体东部 conference.


“这太贴切了,对吧?”韦翰说。. “你只是想坐下来,向后靠,然后说,好吧……”



维克汉姆表示:“应用程序可以让用户产生一定程度的参与度. 所以你想开发一个简单的, 低摩擦,允许(用户)选择他们想看的内容.”

应用程序编程与应用程序编程的区别. 渠道

“Is the content that they're watching there just a re-broadcast of what's on the televis离子 channels, 或者它的程序是不同的?西格林问道.

维克汉姆表示:“这取决于应用和品牌. “我们的程序员了解他们的用户. 例如, 我们的核心电视频道, 我们有线性广播, then we also clip from the channel so that whoever missed the live broadcast can go back and get what they [want]. 比如 反弹, 应用程序中的内容是由内容权控制的吗, 所以我们会把我们认为消费者真正喜欢的视频点播放到应用程序中, 其他的都是线性的.”


“我是一家2018年被收购的公司的一部分,”她说. “我于2016年加入他们,担任PHP开发人员, 所以我有技术背景,很自然地就适应了产品的角色. 然后,在2018年,我们被收购、重组和重组. 我发现自己被分配到一个高级主管或产品角色, 你知道, 和某人交谈, ‘嘿, 你在做产品.“是的。”?”“是的,你是.“好的,太好了。. 谢谢你,’”她笑着说.


“所以你有程序员的背景, [it] makes you more attuned and more empathetic to the developer who has to create the new features and funct离子s than, 说, 一个标准的程序员可能是,西格林说. “有什么变化? 该公司于2018年被收购, 大流行前两年, we saw obviously this huge uptick in people watching fast dial channels and other app-driven channels…what are some of the changes that you've seen even since the pandemic has tapered off that changes in the way that people consume content?”

维克汉姆说:“我认为,在大流行之前,人们仍然存在选择的错觉。. “我们看到了所有拥有这些内容的平台, 故事是这样的, “来加入我们的平台吧, we have all these amazing [exclusive] things that you can watch…” She emphasizes that throughout the pandemic, 观众们逐渐习惯了疯狂地观看大量可用的节目, but now there is widespread collective fatigue over the sense of an overwhelming amount of content choices. 因此, 她说, 程序员应该开发一种更具管理性的方法和方法来提高可发现性.

Siglin notes that “The idea was this is exclusive content that will always stay on this platform. 它永远不会被联合到另一个平台上. 事实上, you saw some of the big players pull their assets back into their own platform to enhance their subscriber rates, 忘记了整个辛迪加模式是实现长尾收益的一种方式. And so one concern I have in the industry is that a glut of choices come along [and] people will see the same content on 50 of those [platforms] and feel like we're right back in the TV days, 也没什么可看的. 那么我们该如何用吸引人的内容来解决这个问题呢? 这是一种吸引人的体验吗? 它是一款吸引人的应用吗? 怎样才能到达那里呢?”

维克汉姆说:“我认为这是三者的结合。. “内容仍然是王道. The fact is that the companies that invest in creating content and stories are going to have that little bit of an edge that just makes some sparkle. 我们来谈谈泰勒·谢里登和 黄石公园 and how amazing it is that the divis离子 of his empire is driving the growth of these two platforms. 我绝对是那种喜欢花钱买无广告体验的人. 但你最好相信我想看最后一季的 黄石公园所以我坚持看完了那些广告. If 黄石公园 没有那么吸引人吗, I probably would not have sat through the experience that I had to in order to view that content.”

Siglin 说s, “So that content was compelling enough for you to choose to sit through that experience?”

“是的,”韦翰说. “所以它从来不只是一件事. 它总是一切的结合.”

了解更多关于OTT应用和内容开发策略 流媒体连接2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

CNN Max如何补充华纳兄弟. 探索频道当前的内容策略?

CNN Max在华纳兄弟的哪个位置. 与HBO Max以及其他平台和相关品牌一起成为万神殿? 华纳兄弟. Discovery Product Manager Dan Trotta lays out the initial strategic vis离子 in this exchange with ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道 in this 流媒体连接2023 clip.


关于OTT消费者的偏好和趋势,这些数据告诉了我们什么, 以及平台提供商如何解读这一趋势,以提高用户覆盖面并减少流失? ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, Hub Entertainment 研究的Jon Giegengack说, Erickson Strategy's Paul Erickson discuss in this clip from their panel at 流媒体连接2023.


浏览今天的流媒体应用程序和订阅似乎不必要地复杂, particularly as paid subscript离子 and free service apps from major content companies often sit side by side, 甚至看起来在相互竞争. 这是一个必要条件吗?是什么因素在驱动它?它可能如何改变? 华纳兄弟. 《欧洲杯在哪投注app最新版下载》杂志的丹尼尔·特罗塔报道, 康泰纳仕的詹妮弗·琼斯, 和ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗在2023年流媒体连接上的小组讨论中进行了讨论.


应用程序在FAST中重要吗? LG的马修·杜金报道, Fuse Media的帕特里克·考特尼说, Atmosphere's Ryan Spicer debate strategic priorities in the current FAST landscape in this clip from their panel at 流媒体东部2023.

斯克里普斯网络’ Senior Director of Product Yazmin Wickham Talks Viewer-Centered OTT UX Design

Recently I caught up with 斯克里普斯网络 Senior Director of Product Yazmin Wickham to get a better sense of the role a Director of Product plays in developing and managing UX at a diversified media company in the OTT and CTV universe. 我了解了斯克里普斯是如何处理观众体验的, 在AVOD和SVOD模型中, 并尝试在各种平台上提供尽可能一致的体验, the challenges and advantages of maintaining a unified (or nearly unified) text stack across the board.


Building a sound app development strategy well-matched to brand and content is critical to creating a CTV experience that sticks. 斯克里普斯网络的Yazmin Wickham, Norigin Media的Ajey Anand, Atmosphere.电视的扎克·霍布斯, Reality Software's Nadine Krefetz discuss what works and what doesn't as well as the ongoing work involved in this clip from their panel at 流媒体东部2023.

System 73的Daniel Perea Strom谈到改进内容交付

流媒体's Tim Siglin sits down with System 73's Daniel Perea Strom to discuss improving content delivery in this exclusive interview from 流媒体东部2023.

Starz的Rob Collins谈论D2C流媒体应用开发 & 交付

流媒体的蒂姆·西格林接受了罗伯·柯林斯的采访, Starz的软件开发总监, to discuss streaming app development and delivery in this exclusive interview from 流媒体东部2023.

Jackie Donaldson谈与主要内容公司进行咨询的挑战

Jackie Donaldson of Velvet Hammer Consulting sits down with Tim Siglin for a chat about the challenges of consulting with major content companies in this interview from 流媒体东部2023.


本地新闻是像nbc环球(NBCUniversal)的《欧洲杯在哪投注》(Peacock)这样的流媒体电视服务的终极入门药吗, 因为他们试图吸引客户使用他们的付费内容? Chicken Soup for the Soul's Philippe Guelton discusses this topic with ESHAP CEO Evan Shapiro in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


消费者将如何在即将到来的FAST 2中找到内容.0时代, how will FAST providers maintain QoE with high-reliability performance as the platforms and their reach continue to grow? Fandango的Rema Morgan-Aluko, 紫溪的凯文·帕克斯, Best Ever 渠道' Jonathon Barbato discuss the technical challenges 免费的 Ad-Supported Televis离子 will face in the coming years and how to meet them in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.