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TV Will Move to IP in Two Years, Says Imagine CEO Charlie 沃格特


“TV will move to IP sooner than people think,” predicted Charlie 沃格特, CEO of  想象通信, announcing a collaboration with Microsoft at IBC today. “The differentiation between broadcaster and operator competitors in broadcast should be the content and the logo, 不是网络. 除非我们能够将网络商品化,否则这种情况不会发生.

Recorded content can move to IP today but the question is how soon will live content move to IP, 沃格特说. "We are seeing more and more cameras that will be IP-enabled. 这不是五年之后的事. 我认为这将在未来两年内发生. 你可以记住我的话.”

Imagine将推出Zenium, described as a software defined workflow management platform available for deployment on Microsoft Azure. Zenium will be available on Microsoft Azure Media Services, 使客户能够高效地设计和发布产品, 可伸缩的, 基于云的媒体处理应用, 工作流, 和服务,产品发布会上指出.

”在一起, 想象通信 and Microsoft will transform the cloud media services landscape,沃格特说.

沃格特 and Imagine have assembled a team that includes Brad Wall, vice president of broadcast operations at Disney (ABC); Balan Nair, CTO of Liberty Global; Jeff Eales, director of system development at BSkyB; the 7 Network's Andrew Anderson; and IBM's Steve Canepa for a 直播讨论 on the future of broadcasting, September 12 at 12:45PM EDT/18.45 CET(中央东部东京).

“Broadcasters and MVPDs are increasingly transitioning to software-based cloud environments, 微软Azure的Sudheer Sirivara说, 合作伙伴工程总监. "Imagine's modular software environment for running specialized and custom 工作流 at scale ideally meshes with our virtually unlimited cloud capacity.”

The future of broadcasting is about IP protocols and software defined environments that can take advantage of mobility, 虚拟化, 还有云, 沃格特说. He keynoted the IBC Conference opening session "Assessing the Future of Broadcast TV."

“There are tens of thousands of ‘snowflake’ networks that were designed in their own way, and that has created a lot of limitations for those broadcasters and content distributors to participate in the ‘future’ network,沃格特争辩道.

“Our customers can't continue to spend the kind of money they are currently spending in proprietary, black box playout and networking gear which needs forklift upgrading every 5 to 7 years because of inefficiencies of the hardware. 他们需要一个更好的成本模式. The biggest challenge for companies like us is how you get from here to there. 这是一种进化. There will be hybrid networks and 工作流 in the short term but we are focused on delivering software architectures today.

“For a decade we've been searching for the killer app and over the last couple of years mobility has helped us define video as the killer app. Some 75 percent of all web traffic over the next few years will be video. 手机已经深刻地颠覆了视频行业. 在网络视频40%的复合年增长率中, 23 percent of that is tied up in real-time video consumption. 我们都必须接受改变,否则就会被抛在后面.”

Networks need to migrate away from hardware to those that are defined by software, and move from proprietary to an open service-oriented network architecture, 沃格特说. 他们需要对IP进行标准化, 利用流动性, 虚拟化和云, 他补充说.

沃格特, who joined Imagine in the summer of 2013 and led it through a transformative year during which it shifted from its longtime moniker of Harris Broadcast and acquired companies including Digital Rapids, 相信这一创新将在这十年内发生.

“2015年将会有一些早期采用者, 第二波是在2016年和2017年, and before 2020 a lot of the major broadcasters and OTT players are going to be participating,沃格特说.


VersioCloud is the industry’s first IP-enabled, integrated cloud playout platform, Imagine said.

“VersioCloud’s disruptive new technology is the ultimate competitive advantage because it simplifies the creation and management of channels, advancing the monetization of content into new demographic or geographic markets,沃格特说. "While other offerings are burdened by hardware codecs or GPUs, VersioCloud is the industry’s only solution that is 100 percent software running on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) IT platforms.“它适用于Zenium.

Also new is Magellan SDN (Software-Defined Networking) Orchestrator, described as a software control system for managing hybrid baseband and IP facilities. It enables integration of legacy baseband and IP networks to turn the “sea of equipment” into a set of defined, managed 工作流 that support the concurrent coexistence of IP streams, 文件, 基带信号.

Pay TV operator Sky Italia is the first major customer.

Imagine还推出了Nexio Channelbrand, a multichannel branding platform which uses Adobe After Effects rendering to offer a new approach to graphics template creation and 工作流 from creation to air.

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RGB Networks Sold to 想象通信 for Undisclosed Sum

The move—the fourth recent acquisition by Imagine—further consolidates the TV Everywhere landscape, 并专注于广告插入技术.